Archive for August, 2009

Venezuela Accuses Protesters of Attempting “Rebellion”

And demonstrators will now be charged with “criminal civil rebellion,” which carries a sentence of 12-24 years.  From the AFP via Breitbart.  This is absolutely terrifying and hopefully will never, ever happen here.  In fact, all the tea partying this summer is trying to prevent just such things from happening in this country.  We must never think that America is so special that we need not fear such things.

Stop Playing the Race Card

An excellent article from American Thinker.  Everyone in Greensboro needs to read this!  Well, certain residents and politicians especially in Greensboro need to read this.

Ease of Faking Residency for GCS School Placement

Apparently all you need is Gas, oil, water or electric bill with the parent’s/legal guardian’s name with address in your school zoneor “Driver’s license (or State ID card) and letter from employer verifying address” to prove residency for school placement. Continue reading

Kay Hagan’s Radio Town Hall Podcast

She has a lot of nerve.  Listen to it! It really makes me angry — she claims that she is listening to her constituents, but she doesn’t respond to constituent comments.  She defends “the plan” but then turns around and says that there isn’t one yet, so she can’t really comment on it.  What a waffle!  I like waffles from Waffle House, not my Senator! Click “continue reading” to get to the link & how to access the Kay Hagan part of the podcast. Continue reading

If Tax Cuts are “Rolled Back” …

*If the Government gives you a “tax cut,”  doesn’t that mean they are just not taking away as much of your money?  And, if those tax “Cuts” are “rolled back,”  then isn’t that just a sneaky way of saying that they are going to raise your taxes?

What will be the impact if the Bush Tax Cuts are allowed to expire? Continue reading

More tax breaks for big business as our tax bills rise

After passing a budget containing huge tax increases (including another penny onto the sales tax), Bev Purdue today signed into law Bill 943, which increases the tax credit available to people who make movies within the state of NC.  What??  Why do I not feel that the people at the Statehouse in Raleigh really have my best interests at heart?  Read about it here.

Schoolchildren to be enlisted in Census Count

From USAToday.  Something about this makes me uncomfortable, although I’m having difficulty putting it into words because I’m not quite sure what it is.  Just sort of an unpleasant feeling in my stomach.

A Real Debate on Global Warming?

Marc Moreno at Climate Depot reports that the US Chamber of Commerce has formally proposed a public trial of the theory of man-made global warming, complete with witnesses, cross-examination, and a judge and jury.  Since the number of prominent skeptical scientists continues to grow due to more and more evidence undermining the theory of man-made global warming, the Chamber must feel pretty confident they can win it.  A real debate will threaten Cap-and-Trade. Continue reading

Who can Tax the Sunrise? The Government Can!

The Government Can ’cause they mix it up with lies and make it all taste good!

Tim Hawkins in an excellent 3-minute parody! Must watch!

Local stimulus money to pay for childcare

From the N&RThis is exactly the sort of non-stimulating expenditure that your tax dollars are being used for.  I thought that the whole point of spending almost one million, million dollars was to stimulate the economy?  This program does nothing of the sort–it is just another form of welfare.  Welfare does not grow jobs.  It does not grow the economy.   It is just income redistribution.

The laws of economics dictate that if you earn less than it costs to pay for childcare, YOU are the person who should be watching your child(ren).  Please visit our resources page for the link to Greensboro’s Economic Stimulus Plans (among other interesting things).